This is Jack.
He offers childcare during our Sunday service at 4 PM. He's available for reading, coloring, playing inside and out (when whether permits and guardians give the okay). Thirteen years old, he aims to be a teacher when he grows up and he's always eager to hone the skills of helping little ones grow and learn.
These are some of the toys we have for play--Thomas and friends, tracks for building, and Plan City for setting up roadways in our narthex. Since we're all in one building, parents and guardians can rest assured they're within hearing distance of their little ones but also away enough to enjoy worship and quiet for at least an hour a week.
As of now we don't have Sunday School for children, but as soon as we have a child or children looking for such faith formation, we'll work to get such a thing going again. We have Godly Play materials, which we'd love to have reason to use!
Come and see!